Based on research among senior leaders around the world, the Global Maritime Issues Monitor 2022 explores the impact, likelihood and preparedness of 18 global issues potentially affecting the maritime industry in the coming decade.

Global maritime issues

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Deep dive into human sustainability

The Global Maritime Issues Monitor 2022 is based on a survey conducted between April 4 and May 10, 2022, which was completed by senior maritime stakeholders from the Global Maritime Forum, Marsh, and IUMI’s multi-stakeholder networks. Respondents included board members, C-suite, and functional decision makers from the private sector, and government and civil society representatives. The sample represents a diverse network of maritime stakeholders from six continents.
Respondents ranked a series of global maritime issues on their potential impact to seaborne trade, the likelihood of different events occurring over the next 10 years, and the maritime industry’s preparedness for these events. The survey looked at 18 general maritime issues.
The responses were coded to allow comparisons. Arithmetic mean scores were calculated for each issue and used to rank them in terms of likelihood, impact, and preparedness. Leaders and experts were then asked to comment on and provide context for the findings. The results were used to produce an impact vs. likelihood vs. preparedness chart and to provide the supplementary evidence used throughout the report.
In the deep dive section, importance and likelihood were assessed by asking respondents to rate the importance of implementing strategies to address issues, and the likelihood of their companies implementing strategies to handle the same issues. The results were used to produce an impact vs. likelihood chart.
The Issues Monitor Survey was updated in 2022 to simplify the visual presentation of the survey questions. With this visual update the overall survey data appeared skewed with the survey participants rating the questions significantly lower across all issues. To correct for this skew, the data has been normalized in order to be comparable to previous years.

Glossary of terms
Economic issues
Societal issues
Geopolitical Issues
Digital issues
Environmental & human health issues